The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework is an internationally recognised collection of best security practises and principles. Despite the fact that compliance is optional and the framework allows for a lot of freedom in how companies apply the different controls it covers, it is mainly based on NIST Special Publication 800 53. Besides this, compliance with CMMC and DFARS framework is now compulsory for the DoD contractors if they wish to continue their government contracts. Since these frameworks are relatively new, the need for DFARS consultant Virginia Beach has increased.
For government agencies and enterprises that make up the Defense Industrial Base, compliance with NIST SP 800 53 is required. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework, on the other hand, establishes security standards, and despite the fact that it was created with essential systems in mind, it has subsequently been extensively used across a variety of industries.
Overview of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
The controls proposed by the NIST Cybersecurity Framework are quite similar to those prescribed by NIST SP 800-53. Recognizing risks and assets, guarding against them, proactively recognising vulnerabilities, mitigating to them, and recuperating from incidents are all covered by the framework. These five function areas are divided into various categories and subcategories that roughly correspond to the NIST SP 800 53 controls. The special publication covers 18 control families, with a total of 23 categories and 108 subcategories in the framework.
Here’s a quick rundown of what businesses must do to adopt the major NIST CSF controls:
#1. Constant risk evaluation
The one constant in the dynamic and uncertain world of data security is change. No company can afford to focus heavily on the same procedures and practices for decades on end, which is why a continual risk assessment approach is vital. This holds true for all five NIST CSF function categories, where every operation should be reproducible and expandable.
Guidelines alter and adjust on a regular basis to keep up with the ever-changing information security world. Companies that constitute up the Defense Industrial Base, for instance, must now follow the CMMC framework and DFARS cybersecurity structure. Operational risk management that is holistic and dynamic makes it simpler to adjust to these changes and stay ahead of the dangers.
#2. All systems must be verifiable.
Sustaining transparency into every information-containing asset and communication channel is arguably one of the most difficult issues in today’s hyperconnected technological landscape. It might be tough to even find out where your data is stored in the world of cloud computing. While organizational measures may be in place to secure it, physical security, for example, may be beyond the control of enterprises.
The NIST CSF’s first function area, Determine, is all about recognizing and charting your IT assets as well as the threats they face. However, because the risk environment is always changing, keeping a log of all ’s login sessions, gadgets, and systems is critical. SIEM can assist enterprises in achieving this goal.
#3 Defining the perimeter is the third step.
Historically, IT managers would define the perimeter to determine which assets needed to be protected and monitored. Most business networks, on the other hand, now extend well beyond the office to include various public, private, and hybrid cloud assets that house data across a variety of physical devices. As a result, traditional security measures is no longer applicable in the majority of circumstances.
Administrators should instead think of their computer assets as separate nodes that need to be protected, audited, and monitored. However, with the correct SIEM solution, the complete environment can still be managed as a whole. All distant access platforms, external data sources, handheld devices, and any other terminal or user account that retrieves sensitive data must adhere to NIST CSF rules.